Russian Foreign Ministry considers the bill of the US Congress bill on the military containment and the need to devise a sanctions plan against Russia as the danger for strategic stability, according to official.
دکتر محسن رضایی، دبیر مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام، در جمع نمازگزاران شهرکرد نماز عید فطر را بجا آورد
Turkey and Saudi Arabia are spreading Islamic values more heavily into society in the Balkan states, Austrian Federal Minister of Defense Hans Peter Doskozil said in an interview to the German newspaper Die Welt published Tuesday.
معاون جمعیت هلالاحمر استان البرز از مرگ دختربچه دو ساله خبر داد که در رودخانه کرج غرقشده است.
Spain's Interior Ministry says police have arrested six suspected members of the Islamic State armed group, four of them in Spain and one each in Britain and Germany.
در روز سهشنبه قیمت نفت برای چهارمین روز کاری پیاپی افزایش یافت. افزایش قیمت های امروز به دلیل کاهش ارزش دلار و تمایل سرمایه گذاران برای سرمایه گذاری بر روی نفت به جای دلار بود. این در حالی ست که سرمایه گذاران کماکان نگران اشباع بازار نفت به دلیل افزایش تولید برخی از کشور های تولید کننده و به رغم توافق اوپک برای کاهش تولید می باشند.
نخست وزیر رژیم صهیونیستی بعد از تجاوز نظامی جنگنده های این رژیم به مواضع ارتش سوریه گفت که تل آویو پاسخ هر اقدامی علیه اراضی اشغالی را به صورت قاطع خواهد داد!
Islamic State (IS) ordered shopkeepers and traders to price goods in its currency, the dirham, as of Tuesday and set the value at 1,000 Syrian pounds ($1.80) per dirham, seeking to steer its own monetary policy even as its territorial grip is shaken.
Donald Trump has been consistent in his argument that the U.S. Navy has shrunk to a woefully inadequate size. The Republican has repeatedly said he wants the service to expand, including a fleet of a dozen aircraft carriers. That plan isn’t in the Pentagon’s current budget, but on July 22 the Navy will formally commission CVN-78, the USS Gerald R. Ford, its newest, most sophisticated nuclear-powered carrier.
The US has named China as one of the worst offenders for human trafficking in an annual Report which could aggravate tensions between the nations as they try to work out how to deal with North Korea.